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Kent School Boat Club Endowment

Kent School Boat Club Endowment

27 Supporters
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The objective of this initiative is to fully endow all expenses related to the rowing program by 2027, the 100th anniversary of Kent’s debut at the Henley Royal Regatta. This campaign aims to secure over $4 million to support and celebrate a century of rowing excellence at Kent and to ensure its future for the next hundred years. 

Recognizing the profound impact the program has had on many, we invite you to play a role in the future of rowing at Kent School. Like you, we are deeply committed to ensuring that Kent's rowing legacy continues to thrive for the next century.

Thad Bennett ’71 and Vashti Chandler Davies ’06

Co-Chairs, The Next 100 Years of Kent Rowing Endowment Campaign

If you have any questions, please contact

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!